Genco Guralp, Ph.D.

Office: AL-434 | Email: [email protected]

GuralpGenco Guralp received his Ph.D. in philosophy at Johns Hopkins University. He works mainly on the history and philosophy of science, and his primary research interests are in the history and philosophy of cosmology, philosophy of physics, and the historical epistemology of science. His research focuses on understanding how experimental episodes and practices succeed in generating valid experimental results, which, in turn, are put forward as evidence for scientific theories. His first book project aims to probe these questions in the context of the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe.  He also has current projects in science studies and the sociology of science, more specifically, on the question of expertise and epistemic authority, and issues related to interdisciplinarity. His work has appeared in the European Journal for Philosophy of Science, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science, and various edited volumes.