Undergraduate Programs
We aim to develop in our students an increasingly sophisticated, reflective, and comprehensive understanding of the historical, systematic, and applied dimensions of Philosophy, both Western and non-Western.
We further seek to develop, especially in our majors, a commitment to pursue reflectively the most important questions of the major fields of Philosophy, to reason soundly about them, to make meaningful and well-informed contributions to the dialogue concerning them, and to be able to apply that knowledge to social, political, global, environmental, ecological, scientific, and other "real world” contexts.
No more than 48 units in Philosophy courses can apply to the major.
Language Requirement
Competency (successfully completing the third college semester or fifth college quarter) is required in one foreign language to fulfill the graduation requirement.
Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement
Passing the Writing Placement Assessment with a score of 10 or completing one of the approved upper division writing courses (W) with a grade of C (2.0) or better.
Preparation for the Major (6 units)
Take the required course:
- PHIL 120: Logic
Choose at least one of the following:
- PHIL 100: Global Philosophies
- PHIL 101: Ethics
- PHIL 102: Knowledge & Reality
- PHIL 140: Technology and Human Behavior
- PHIL 200: Composition
Major (minimum 27 units)
Check catalog for prerequisite information.
Take the required courses:
- PHIL 401 A: History of Philosophy: Pre-Socratic through Medieval
- PHIL 401 B: History of Philosophy: Renaissance and Early Modern
Choose at least seven from the following list of upper division courses:
No more than two 300-level courses will count towards the major.
300-Level Courses (only 2 will count towards major)
- PHIL 310: PHIL & Human Nature [GE]
- PHIL 312: Women and Philosophy [GE]
- PHIL 315: PHIL and Lit [GE]
- PHIL 325: A Major PHIL Topic (6 units max)
- PHIL 328: PHIL, Racism, & Justice [GE]
- PHIL 329: Social Ethics [GE]
- PHIL 330: Biomedical Ethics [GE]
- PHIL 332: Environmental Ethics [GE]
- PHIL 335: PHIL of Business Ethics [GE]
- PHIL 336: Philosophy, Human Behavior, and the Internet
- PHIL 340: Morality of War and Peace [GE]
- PHIL 341: Logic and the Law [GE]
- PHIL 342: Morality and the Law [GE]
- PHIL 344: Global Justice [GE]
- PHIL 348: Morality and Climate Change [GE]
- PHIL 351: Chinese Philosophy [GE]
- PHIL 353: Buddhist Philosophy [GE]
500-Level Courses
- PHIL 505: 19th-Cent. European Philosophy
- PHIL 506: 20th-Cent. Continental Philosophy
- PHIL 508: Existentialism
- PHIL 509: Theory of Ethics
- PHIL 510: Philosophy of Law
- PHIL 512: Political Philosophy
- PHIL 514: Philosophy of Art
- PHIL 515: Philosophy of Film
- PHIL 516: Non-Western Aesthetics
- PHIL 521: Deductive Logic
- PHIL 523: Theory of Knowledge
- PHIL 530: Metaphysics
- PHIL 534: Philosophy of Language
- PHIL 535: Philosophy of Religion
- PHIL 536: Philosophy of Mind
- PHIL 537: Philosophy of Science
- PHIL 565: Asian PHILosophies
- PHIL 575: Major PHILosopher (6 units max)
- PHIL 576: Major PHILosophical Tradition (6 units max)
- PHIL 577: Major PHILosophical Problem (6 units max)
- PHIL 578: PHILosophical Methods (6 units max)
Courses in the minor may not be counted toward the major, but may be used to satisfy preparation for the major and general education requirements, if applicable. A minimum of six upper division units must be completed in residence at SDSU.
Minor (minimum 18 units)
Choose at least one (3 units):
- PHIL 100: Introduction to Philosophy: Global Philosophies
- PHIL 101: Introduction to Philosophy: Ethics [GE]
- PHIL 102: Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality [GE]
- PHIL 120: Introduction to Logic [GE]
- PHIL 140: Technology and Human Behavior
- PHIL 200: Critical Thinking and Composition [GE]
Choose at least five (15 units):
Upper division Philosophy courses are 300-, 400-, or 500-level courses. No more than six units (2 courses) of 300-level Philosophy courses will count toward the minor.
To become a Philosophy major or minor, you must first be admitted to study at SDSU. For all the information you need to apply as a first-year or transfer student, please visit the SDSU Admissions page.
Already a student at SDSU, but want to change your major or minor to Philosophy? No problem! Just fill out a change of major form and follow the directions found on the SDSU Registrar's page. Be sure to have the undergraduate Adviser sign the form! Their contact information can be found in the footer of this page.
Scholarships are an excellent opportunity for students to gain funds in recognition of their hard work and scholarly achievement.
A number of scholarships are available to undergraduates in the Department of Philosophy, including the Philosophy Scholarship, the Charles Wei-hsun Fu Endowed Scholarship in Chinese and Asian Philosophy, the Christopher Mortenson Memorial Scholarship, the Laurel Amtower Memorial Scholarship, the College of Arts & Letters Scholarship, the SDSU College of Arts and Letters Alumni Chapter Scholarship, and many others.
For more information and to search for scholarships, please visit the SDSU Scholarships website.
Dr. Robert Francescotti
Office: AL-438
Phone: (619) 594-6585
Email: [email protected]
Important Links
Brochure | Major/MinorChecklist | Class Schedule | SDSU Catalog | Major Academic Plan (MAP)