woman thinking


Important Contacts

barboneSteven Barbone, Ph.D.
Department Chair & Co-Graduate Adviser
Office: AL-446
Email: [email protected]


peƱafuerte-neunerAraceli Neuner, Ph.D.
Co-Graduate Adviser
Office: AL-444
Email: [email protected]


francescottiRobert Francescotti, Ph.D.
Undergraduate Adviser
Phone: (619) 594-6585
Office: AL-438
Email: [email protected]


kenellyKimberly Kennelly
Administrative Coordinator
Phone: (619) 594-5232
Office: AL-446
Email: [email protected]

attertonPeter Atterton, Ph.D.
Professor & Affiliated Faculty, Jewish Studies
Office: AL-431
Email: [email protected]

Interests: Continental Philosophy, Darwinism, Animal Philosophy

barboneSteven Barbone, Ph.D.
Office: AL-446
Email: [email protected]

Interests: Spinoza, Modern Philosophy

corlettJ. Angelo Corlett, Ph.D.
Phone: (619) 594-6251
Office: AL-432
Email: [email protected]

Interests: Moral Philosophy, Epistemology, Legal Philosophy, race and racism

francescottiRobert Francescotti, Ph.D.
Phone: (619) 594-6585
Office: AL-438
Email: [email protected]

Interests: Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics

starmondoJoseph A. Stramondo, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Interim Chair of the Department of Classics and Humanities & Director of the Institute for Ethics and Public Affairs

Office: AL-425
Email: [email protected]

Interests: Bioethics, Feminist Philosophy, Philosophy of Disability, Social & Political Philosophy

wawrytkoSandra A. Wawrytko, Ph.D.
Office: AL-428
Email: [email protected]

Interests: Comparative Philosophies; Buddhist and Daoist epistemology and aesthetics in the context of neuroscience; Asian philosophy of leadership; Krishnamurti

barzilaiDavid Barzilai, Ph.D.
Office: AL-440
Email: [email protected]

Interests: Modern continental philosophy, history of philosophy, the philosophy of Martin Buber, political philosophy, Jewish philosophy

attertonAlison Brown, Ph.D., J.D.
Office: AL-440
Email: [email protected]

Interests: Ethics and Philosophy of Law

attertonShelley Dedman, M.A.
Office: AL-440
Email: [email protected]

Interests: Ethics

hadgeRutger Hadge, M.A.
Office: AL-436
Email: [email protected]

Interests: Logic, Philosophy of Education, Math Education and Critical Thinking

NericcioLorenzo Nericcio, M.A.
Office: AL-436
Email: [email protected]

peƱafuerte-neunerAraceli Neuner, Ph.D.
Office: AL-444
Email: [email protected]

Interests: Ethics, Logic, Teaching Philosophy

reyesHerminia Reyes, M.A.
Office: AL-427
Email: [email protected]

Interests: Biomedical Ethics, Morality of War & Peace, Philosophy & Human Nature 

whaleyTawny Whaley, M.A.
Office: AL-425
Email: [email protected]

Interests: Social Metaphysics, Feminist Philosophy, Queer Theory, and Applied Ethics

brownMatt Brown
Office: AL-430
Email: [email protected]

Interests: Continental Philosophy, Metaphysics, Logic

richDavid Rich
Office: AL-430
Email: [email protected]

Interests: Feminist Philosophy (Decolonial Feminism), Personal Identity (LGBTQI+ Philosophy), Race and Gender, Existentialism, Ethics

valleMariel Valle
Office: AL-430
Email: [email protected]

Interests: Ancient Eastern and Western Philosophy, Continental Philosophy, and Aesthetics


Darrel Moellendorf
Email: [email protected]
Retired 2013

Deborah Chaffin
Email: [email protected]
Retired 2012

Andrew L. Feenberg
Email: [email protected]
Retired 2002

Roderick Freeman
Email: [email protected]
Retired 2010

Herminia Reyes
Email: [email protected]
Retired: 2020

Leon Rosenstein
Email: [email protected]
Retired 2008 

Eugene A. Troxell
Email: [email protected]
Retired 2000

Edward W. Warren
Email: [email protected]
Retired 1990

Stanley N. Weissman
Email: [email protected]
Retired 1991

Thomas Weston
Email: [email protected]
Retired 2014